Volunteer Opportunities
The PGM Alumni Network’s success will depend on the support it receives from its members and volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering please contact Grant Fraser at gfraser@golf-management.org or (905) 484-4642. Over the next several months, we will be looking for volunteers to join our Executive Committee and assume one of the following director positions:
- Website (responsible for maintaining and updating PGM Alumni Network website)
- Communications (responsible for Network social media, quarterly newsletter, media releases, etc.)
- Finance (responsible for handling and dispersing any proceeds the Network raises through annual fundraising event to various golf initiatives e.g. junior golf, student scholarships)
- Secretary (responsible for coordinating monthly meetings with Executive Committee and recording and distrusting minutes of meetings)
- Sponsorship and Industry Partnerships (responsible for establishing relationships with other golf associations and businesses
- Governance
- Special Projects